Achieving alignment


Social and collaborative prioritization at the local level.

Constituents Only

Trolling and interference reduced by participation limits.

Open Source

Source code, algorithms, and operating information is available for public review.


The same methods that drive divisive content in social media, repurposed for coalition building.

Local politics have the greatest impact on individuals.

The lives of most people are much more directly impacted by local politics than by the national level. News and social media often paint the opposite picture, pulling attention and resources away from the local level.


Political parties create a false dichotomy

Parties have coalesced around radical positions on hot button issues. Splitting votes based on extreme issues creates a system that doesn’t work for anyone.

The power of online communities

Online communities enable greater participation by people who lack transportation or control of their schedules. Allowing asynchronous engagement lets more people be heard.

Data pipelines and machine learning

Private industry has turned these technologies on their users to achieve optimizations, though many are driven by growth or revenue. The same methods can serve altruistic goals if the right governance and oversight are established. is the central collaboration platform driving the positive changes.

Ready to get started?

The technology gets better faster as more people participate.
